Child Care Centers

Jurisdiction: USA
Source: Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), Homeland Infrastructure Foundation - Level Data (HIFLD)

This dataset includes 111.2 thousand day care centers of 50 states of the USA, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico. The dataset only includes center based day care locations (including schools and religious institutes) and does not include group, home, and family based day cares. All the data was acquired from respective states departments or their open source websites and contains data only provided by these sources. The containes a common classification of day care which classifies every day care into Center Based, School Based, Head Start, or Religious Facility. Each day care is registered with name, address, type, phone, etc.

48089 · Search Result

Name Address Type
Ymca-kennedy Early C.c. 11333 Kaltz, Warren, MI 48089 Center Based
Make A Difference Learning Ctr 14385 East Nine Mile, Warren, MI 48089 Center Based
Carlson Elementary 12335 Mruk, Warren, MI 48089 School Based
Kidz Den Daycare II 14060 Stephens Road, Warren, MI 48089 Center Based
Kids' Avenue Christian Learning Center 2 LLC 22605 Van Dyke Road, Warren, MI 48089 Center Based
Second Home Child Development Center 14057 East Nine Mile Road, Warren, MI 48089 Center Based
Hawthorn Center Head Start 12900 Frazho Rd, Warren, MI 48089 Head Start
Peck Elementary Latchkey 11300 Engleman, Not Available, MI 48089 School Based
Mt. Calvary Head Start 8129 Packard, Not Available, MI 48089 Head Start
Amazing Learning Academy 8121 E. 9 Mile, Warren, MI 48089 Center Based
Warren Woods Early Childhood Center 12900 Frazho Road, Warren, MI 48089 Center Based
Kennedy Head Start Room 11333 Kaltz, Warren, MI 48089 Head Start
Morningstar Early Head Start 11333 Kaltz, Warren, MI 48089 Head Start
Kennedy Early Childhood Center 11333 Kaltz, Warren, MI 48089 Center Based