Address: 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 2024839083

REBUILDING TOGETHER, INC. (Entity# 20103001213) is a non-profit charity organization registered with Colorado Secretary of State. The business start date is July 11, 1988.

Charity Overview

Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) 521585880
Registrant Type Charitable Organization
Filing Type Renewal
Principal Address 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne
DC 20002
Mailing Address 310 West 20th Street, Suite 300
MO 64108
Residential County DC
Phone 2024839083
Fax 2024839081
Authorized Officer Name Sandra Henriquez
Authorized Officer Signed Date 2018-11-19
Incorporated true
Incorporation Date 1988-07-11
Incorporation State DC
Accounting ID 20183037137
Amendment Entity ID 20173035548
External Filing From NCCS false
Actual Financials Provided true
Revenue Total 13999588
End Year Assests 10890448
End Year Liabilities 2680144
End Year Assests Minus Liabilities 8210304

Charity officers

Title Name Address Phone Notes
Gillian Barclay 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
Joy Cianci 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
Kristine Carroll 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne Suite 701, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083 Not in business
Susan L. Hawfield 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne Suite 701, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083 Not in business
BOARD CHAIRMAN Mary Herche 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083 Not in business
BOARD SECRETARY Mell Meredith Frazier 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
BOARD TREASURER Herald Chen 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
BOARD VICE CHAIRMAN Janice Daue Walker 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
BOARD VICE CHAIRMAN Randolph M. Henry 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
CFO (AS OF 04/2014) Robert Keyes 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
CFO - UNTIL 01/2015 Robert Keyes 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
CHAIR Kevin Rafferty
CHAIR Sherry Chris 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne Suite 701, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
CHAIRMAN Brad Segal 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083 Not in business
CHAIRMAN Kevin Rafferty 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne Suite 701, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083 Not in business
CHAIRMAN Sherry Chris 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne Suite 701, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083 Not in business
CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Brad Segal 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083 Not in business
CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD William Good 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083 Not in business
CHIEF DEVELOPMENT OFFICER Gary G. Deverman 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Sandra B. Henriquez 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne Suite 701, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER, TREASURER Sandra B. Henriquez 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne Suite 701, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
COO THRU 03/2015, INTERIM PRES & CEO Sandra B. Henriquez 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
COUNSEL David N. Brown 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
CUSTODIAN OF FINANCIAL RECORDS Gary A. Officer 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083 Not in business
CUSTODIAN OF FINANCIAL RECORDS Mary Kay Meilunas 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083 Not in business
CUSTODIAN OF FINANCIAL RECORDS Robert Keyes 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083 Not in business
CUSTODIAN OF FINANCIAL RECORDS Sandra B. Henriquez 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083 Not in business
DIRECTOR Akinjide (jide) Falaki
DIRECTOR Alexis Glick 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Ann Woodroof 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
DIRECTOR Beverly Jackson 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Bonnie Bessor 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Brad Segal 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Cara Heiden 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Carl Banks 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Carrie Petty 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Carrie Teffner 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Dan Sargent 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Dave M. Matta 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR David M. Matta 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR David N. Brown 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Debbie Lawrence 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Douglas Hutcheson 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Ed Peavy 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
DIRECTOR Herbert Macarthur 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Honorable Jim Nussle 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR James Fonteno 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Jane Eskelund 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Jim Kelly 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
DIRECTOR Jodie Liddy 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
DIRECTOR John Brazzale 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR John Tilelli, Jr. 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR John C. Whitaker 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR John-scott Johnson
DIRECTOR Karen Nemsick
DIRECTOR Kathleen Wu 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
DIRECTOR Kathryn Greiner 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Kelly Reed 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Ken Scherer 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Mary Busey Harris 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Meredith A. Rosenberg 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Merrill Friedman
DIRECTOR Mike Uttam 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
DIRECTOR Rahman Khan
DIRECTOR Red Cavaney 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Rev. John Albers 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Robert Wells 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Robert J. Wells 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Sherry Chris 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Susan Hawfield 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Thomas Buckmaster 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Tom Carr 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR Wayne Cauthen 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne Suite 701, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
DIRECTOR Wayne A. Cauthen 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR William Good 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR - UNTIL 08/2015 Margie Thirlby 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR - UNTIL 11/2015 Alexis Glick 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR - UNTIL 11/2015 Karen Nemsick 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR - UNTIL 11/2015 Robert Wells 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
DIRECTOR OF EMERITUS John C. Whitaker 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
IMMED PAST CHAIR William A, Good 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR Brad Segal 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne Suite 701, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR Mary Herche 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN Mary Herche 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
PAST IMMEDIATE CHAIR Brad Segal 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne Suite 701, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
PRESIDENT & CEO Charley Shimanski 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
PRESIDENT & CEO Gary A. Officer 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
PRESIDENT & CEO (AS OF 8/2013) Charles Shimanski 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
PRESIDENT & CEO (UNTIL 1/2013) Gary A. Officer 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
PRESIDENT & CEO - UNTIL 03/2015 Charley Shimanski 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
PRESIDENT & CEO, DIRECTOR Caroline Blakely 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
Mailing address: 3773 Cherry Creek Drive North, DENVER, CO 80209
Not in business
SECRETARY Guy Cecala 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
SECRETARY Reese Fayde 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
SENIOR PROGRAM DIRECTOR Brian Cusick 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, AFFILIATE SERVICES Susan L. Hawfield 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne Suite 701, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
TREASURER Bruce Haase 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
TREASURER Debbie Lawrence 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
TREASURER Kevin Rafferty 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
TREASURER William A, Good 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
VICE CHAIR Ken Scherer 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
VICE CHAIR Mell Meredith Frazier 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
VICE CHAIR Sherry Chris 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
VICE CHAIR OF THE BOARD Ken Scherer 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
VICE CHAIR OF THE BOARD Mell Meredith Frazier 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
VICE CHAIR/CHAIR ELECT John Brazzale 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne Suite 701, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
VICE CHAIRMAN Mell Meredith Frazier 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne Suite 701, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
VICE CHAIRMAN/CHAIR-ELECT John Brazzale 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne Suite 701, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
VICE PRESIDENT, AFFILIATE SERVICES, ASST TREASURER Susan L. Hawfield 999 N. Capitol Street, Ne Suite 701, Washington, DC 20002 2024839083
VP FIN. & ADMIN. (THRU 07/2011) Mary Kay Meilunas 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
VP FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION Mary Kay Meilunas 1899 L Street, Nw, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
VP, AFFILIATE RELATIONS Amber M. Hamilton 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
VP, AFFILIATE RELATIONS Susan Hawfield 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
VP, BUS DEVELOPMENT John White 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
VP, BUS DEVELOPMENT / ADVOCACY John White 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
VP, COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING Gail Fuller 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
VP, DEVELOPMENT Gordon Lavigne 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
VP, DEVELOPMENT Shana Fajardo 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083
VP, MARKETING/COMMUNICATIONS Cynthia J. Young 1899 L Street, Nw, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036 2024839083

Office Location

Street Address 999 N. CAPITOL STREET, NE
City Washington
State DC
Zip Code 20002

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Charity Officer

Authorized Officer Name Sandra Henriquez


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City Washington
Zip Code 20002

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Data Provider Colorado Secretary of State
Jurisdiction Colorado State

This dataset includes 114 thousand non-profit charity organizations registered wtih Colorado Secretary of State.

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