Pharmacy Technician

Address: 8 Royce Circle Apt 4321, Storrs Mansfield, CT 06269-0001

RASHI ROY (Credential# 1367989) is licensed (Pharmacy Technician) with Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection. The license effective date is April 1, 2017. The license expiration date date is March 31, 2018. The license status is INACTIVE.

Business Overview

RASHI ROY is licensed with the Department of Consumer Protection of Connecticut. The credential number is #PTN.0019492. The credential type is pharmacy technician. The effective date is April 1, 2017. The expiration date is March 31, 2018. The business address is 8 Royce Circle Apt 4321, Storrs Mansfield, CT 06269-0001. The current status is inactive.

Basic Information

Licensee Name RASHI ROY
Credential ID 1367989
Credential Number PTN.0019492
Business Address 8 Royce Circle Apt 4321
Storrs Mansfield
CT 06269-0001
Business Type INDIVIDUAL
Issue Date 2016-07-22
Effective Date 2017-04-01
Expiration Date 2018-03-31
Refresh Date 2019-03-15

Office Location

Street Address 8 Royce Circle APT 4321
State CT
Zip Code 06269-0001

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Price Chopper #243 1220 Storrs Rd, Storrs Mansfield, CT 06269-0001 Operator of Weighing & Measuring Devices 2020-08-01 ~ 2021-07-31
University of Connecticut 3636 Horsebarn Rd Ext # U-4040x, Storrs Mansfield, CT 06269-0001 Milk Dealer 2020-07-01 ~ 2022-06-30
Jorgensen Center for The Performing Arts Uconn Box U-104, Storrs, CT 06269-0001 University Liquor 2019-10-21 ~ 2021-02-18
Robert L Howard Department of Sports Medicine, Storrs, CT 06269-0001 Athletic Trainer 2020-06-01 ~ 2021-05-31
Jennifer B Tufts Sp Lange Hrng Sciences Dept, Storrs Mansfield, CT 06269-0001 Audiologist 2020-03-01 ~ 2021-02-28
Craig R Denegar Dept of Kinesiology University of Connecticut, Storrs Mansfield, CT 06269-0001 Physical Therapist 2020-04-01 ~ 2021-03-31
Kurt Schwenk Dept of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Storrs Mansfield, CT 06269-0001 Controlled Substance Laboratory ~
Kristen Govoni · Uconn Lab of Kristen Govoni Asst Prof 3636 Horsebarn Extension Unit # 4040, Storrs Mansfield, CT 06269-0001 Controlled Substance Laboratory 2020-02-01 ~ 2021-01-31
Harvey A Swadlow · Uconn Dept Psychology, Lab of Swadlow Bousfield Bldg -058, Storrs, CT 06269-0001 Controlled Substance Laboratory 2020-02-01 ~ 2021-01-31
1 Plate 2 Plate Student Union Building Uconn, Storrs Mansfield, CT 06269-0001 Frozen Dessert Retailer 2019-02-01 ~ 2019-12-31
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Licenses in the same zip code

Licensee Name Office Address Credential Effective / Expiration
Stephanie Milan 406 Babbidge Rd., Storrs, CT 06269 Psychologist 2020-05-01 ~ 2021-04-30
University of Connecticut 626 Gilbert Rd Ext, Storrs, CT 06269 University Liquor 2019-05-07 ~ 2020-09-06
Catie L Dann 2095 Hillside Road, Storrs, CT 06269 Athletic Trainer 2020-06-01 ~ 2021-05-31
3bc 1391 Storrs Rd, Storrs, CT 06269 Manufacturer of Hemp Consumables 2020-02-10 ~ 2021-06-30
Baikun Li 261 Glenbrook Rd Unit #2037, Storrs Mansfield, CT 06269 Professional Engineer 2020-02-01 ~ 2021-01-31
Xiuling Lu 69 North Eagleville Rd, Storrs, CT 06269 Controlled Substance Laboratory 2020-01-30 ~ 2021-01-31
Park Seung Ryul 102-1206 30 Nambusunhwan-ro 363-gil, Seoul, 06269 Professional Engineer 2020-02-01 ~ 2021-01-31
University of Connecticut Police Department 126 North Eagleville Road, Storrs Mansfield, CT 06269 Prescription Drug Drop Box 2020-02-01 ~ 2021-01-31
Lauren Nicole Sheldon 2095 Hillside Rd, Storrs, CT 06269 Athletic Trainer 2020-02-01 ~ 2021-01-31
Eric S Beck 337 Mansfield Road, Storrs, CT 06269 Advanced Practice Registered Nurse 2020-03-01 ~ 2021-02-28
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Dataset Information

Data Provider Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection
Jurisdiction Connecticut
Related Datasets Connecticut Business Registrations, Connecticut Child Care Facilities

This dataset includes 1.41 million licenses issued wtih Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection (TDLR).

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