Connecticut License

Jurisdiction: Connecticut
Source: Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection

This dataset includes 1.41 million licenses issued wtih Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection (TDLR).

Physician/Surgeon · MONTREAL · Search Result

Licensee Name Office Address Credential Effective / Expiration
Deborah Reine Cohen 5500 Macdonald Ave, Apt 901, Montreal, QC H3X 2W5 Physician/surgeon ~
Santokh Singh St. Mary's Hospital, Montreal, QC H3T1M5 Physician/surgeon 2017-06-01 ~ 2018-05-31
Hangjun Wang 504-345 De La Gauchetiere O, Montreal, QC H2Z 0A2 Physician/surgeon 2014-04-04 ~ 2014-07-31
Leon D Solomon 5775 Cote Desneiges, Montreal Quebec, H3S 2S9 Physician/surgeon 1997-07-09 ~ 1998-08-31
Jean Luc Senecal Div of Rheumatology, Montreal Quebec, H2L 4M1 Physician/surgeon 1992-08-26 ~ 1993-07-31