New York State Registered Attorneys
60327 Frankfurt Am Main

Jurisdiction: New York State
Source: New York State, Office of Court Administration

This dataset includes 357 thousand attorneys registered with New York State, Office of Court Administration. Each attorney is registered with registration number, full name, company name and address, phone number, email, year admitted, etc.

60327 FRANKFURT AM MAIN · Search Result

Name Company / Organization Address Admitted
Conor Peter Sartory PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS GMBH WPG 60327 Frankfurt Am Main, GERMANY 2018
Bernhard Bell DLA PIPER UK LLP 60327 Frankfurt Am Main, GERMANY 2015
Charles Krikor Eypper BNP PARIBAS 60327 Frankfurt Am Main, GERMANY 2010
Christine Mechthild Brigitte Mark PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS 60327 Frankfurt Am Main, GERMANY 2001
Wayne Joseph Carroll PwC Legal AG 60327 Frankfurt Am Main, GERMANY 1998
Joerg Martin Schultze COMMEO LLP 60327 Frankfurt Am Main, GERMANY 1991