Address: Hwy 260, Mp 388, Hopi Health Care Center/keams Canyon S.u., Polacca, AZ 86042-4000
Phone: 9287376387

SALLY MARIE WARTZ (NPI# 1801112883) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1801112883
Entity Type Individual
Credential CNA
Practice Address Hwy 260, Mp 388
Hopi Health Care Center/keams Canyon S.u.
AZ 86042-4000
Mailing Address Po Box #4000
Hopi Health Care Center/keams Canyon S.u.
AZ 86042-4000
Practice Telephone 9287376387
Practice Fax Number 9287376369
Mailing Telephone 9287376387
Mailing Fax Number 9287376369
Enumeration Date 2010-04-15
Last Update Date 2010-04-15
Gender Code F
Is Sole Proprietor N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 376K00000X Nurse's Aide CNA1000013541 AZ Nursing Service Related Providers

Office Location

Street Address HWY 260, MP 388
State AZ
Zip Code 86042-4000

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1316553787 Megan Gilliam Pharmacist Mile Post 288 Hwy 264, Polacca, AZ 86042 2020-09-21
1295348787 Emma Guadalupe Cortez Nurse's Aide Hopi Health Care, Hwy 264 Mp 388, Polacca, AZ 86042 2020-08-25
1942835434 Kevin C Powers Registered Nurse Route 264 Mp 388, Polacca, AZ 86042 2020-03-05
1780217463 Kim N Le Family Medicine Mile Post 388 Highway 264, Polacca, AZ 86042 2020-02-20
1265959365 Karen Olivia Francis Registered Nurse Highway 264 Mile Post, Hopi Health Care Facility, Polacca, AZ 86042 2017-08-29
1629598339 Marina Kanoelani Mehau-sanchez Pharmacist Hwy 264 At Mile Post 388, Hopi Health Care Center, Polacca, AZ 86042 2017-06-23
1184096786 Erica Lalo Technician, Other Hwy 264 Mp388, Polacca, AZ 86042 2015-10-22
1790124618 Michael Everett Robinson Registered Nurse Highway 264 Mile Post 388, Polacca, Az 86042, Hopi Health Care Center (ihs), Polacca, AZ 86042 2013-06-25
1760728232 Rhanishia Smith Registered Nurse Highway 264 Mile Pot 388, Polacca, AZ 86042 2013-01-02
1871818492 Stacy Talahytewa II Radiologic Technologist Hwy 264 Mile Post 388, Polacca, AZ 86042 2010-04-07
Find all providers in zip 86042

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 376K00000X
Grouping Nursing Service Related Providers
Classification Nurse's Aide

Taxonomy Definition

(1) An unlicensed individual who is trained to function in an assistive role to the licensed nurse in the provision of patient/client activities as delegated by the nurse; (2) An individual trained (either on-the-job or through a formal course generally of less than one year) and experienced in performing patient or client-care nursing tasks that do not require the skills of a specialist, technician, or professional. Examples of tasks performed by nurses aides include changing clothes, diapers, and beds; assisting patients to perform exercises or personal hygiene tasks, and supporting communication or social interaction. Specific education and credentials are not required for this work.
Notes: Source: (1) American Nurses Association, Registered Professional Nurses and Unlicensed Personnel, 2nd ed., 1996; (2) Rhea, Ott, and Shafritz, The Facts On File Dictionary of Health Care Management, New York: Facts On File Publications, 1988.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1295348787 Emma Guadalupe Cortez Nurse's Aide Hopi Health Care, Hwy 264 Mp 388, Polacca, AZ 86042 2020-08-25
1629394978 Della Mae Sieweyumptewa Nurse's Aide Hwy 264 Mm 388, Hopi Health Care Center, Polacca, AZ 86042-4000 2010-04-12
1265744239 Yolanda Bydonie Nurse's Aide Hwy 264 Milepost 388, Polacca, AZ 86042-4000 2010-07-07
1437460813 Jacqueline Hughes Nurse's Aide Hwy 264 Mile Post 388, Polacca, AZ 86042-4000 2010-06-30
1033432620 Eugene Nodestine Nurse's Aide Hwy 264, Mp 388, Hopi Health Care Center, Polacca, AZ 86042-4000 2010-03-10

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1649877945 Serene Home Healthcare LLC Nurse's Aide 37302 W Bello Ln, Maricopa, AZ 85138-5072 2020-10-08
1871143255 Andrea Dawn Begay Nurse's Aide Us Hwy 160 M.p. 394.3, Kayenta, AZ 86033 2019-09-17
1083264451 Mavis Ann Bahe Nurse's Aide Kayenta Health Center, Us Hwy 160, Mp 394.3, Kayenta, AZ 86033 2019-09-17
1083171219 Carolline Arayon Nurse's Aide 524 S Abbey, Mesa, AZ 85208-7465 2019-02-24
1922593474 Urina Bitsinnie Nurse's Aide Hwy 160 Building Ka2010, Kayenta, AZ 86033-0368 2018-06-27
1497257141 Sharon Johnson Nurse's Aide 2880 Kiowa Blvd N, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404-2624 2018-03-07
1639626948 Arms of Love Behavioural Nurse's Aide 2402 E Nathan Way, Chandler, AZ 85225-2810 2016-09-02
1952854705 Travis L Neely Nurse's Aide 433 N Arizona Ave, Prescott, AZ 86301-2605 2016-07-28
1245686187 Alicia Serna Leon Nurse's Aide 580 N Morley Ave, Nogales, AZ 85621-2936 2016-05-10
1467831792 Lizbeth Barajas Nurse's Aide 802 N 4th St, Avondale, AZ 85323-1638 2015-05-19
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Zip Code 86042

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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