Public Schools

Jurisdiction: USA
Source: Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), Homeland Infrastructure Foundation - Level Data (HIFLD)

This dataset includes 102 thousand elementary and secondary education facilities in the United States as defined by the Common Core of Data (CCD), National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), US Department of Education. This includes all Kindergarten through 12th grade schools as tracked by the Common Core of Data. Included in this dataset are military schools in US territories and referenced in the city field with an APO or FPO address. Each public school is registered with name, address, website, phone, etc.

11214 · Search Result

Name Address Phone
BROOKLYN STUDIO SECONDARY SCHOOL 8310 21st Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214-2406 (718) 266-5032
PS 163 BATH BEACH 109 Bay 14th St, Brooklyn, NY 11214-3699 (718) 236-9003
PS 212 LADY DEBORAH MOODY 87 Bay 49th St, Brooklyn, NY 11214-6921 (718) 266-4841
PS 748 BROOKLYN SCHOOL FOR GLOBAL SCHOLARS 1664 Benson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214 (718) 382-3130
PS 200 BENSON SCHOOL 1940 Benson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214-3699 (718) 236-5466
PS 128 BENSONHURST 2075 84th St, Brooklyn, NY 11214-2409 (718) 373-5900
HIGH SCHOOL OF SPORTS MANAGEMENT 2630 Benson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214 (718) 333-7650
PS 186 DR IRVING A GLADSTONE 7601 19th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214-3699 (718) 236-7071
KINGSBOROUGH EARLY COLLEGE SCHOOL 2630 Benson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214 (718) 333-7850
NEW UTRECHT HIGH SCHOOL 1601 80th St, Brooklyn, NY 11214-1699 (718) 232-2500
INTERNATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL AT LAFAYETTE 2630 Benson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214 (718) 333-7860
PS 101 VERRAZANO (THE) 2360 Benson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214-4336 (718) 372-0221
LIFE ACADEMY HIGH SCHOOL FOR FILM AND MUSIC 2630 Benson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214 (718) 333-7750
EXPEDITIONARY LEARNING SCHOOL FOR COMMUNITY LEADERS 2630 Benson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214 (718) 333-7700
IS 281 JOSEPH B CAVALLARO 8787 24th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214-5309 (718) 996-6706